Monday, January 23, 2012

Want a new pet?

Today we went to the Belconnen mall to walk around with the boys to get their energy out. We went into the pet store and saw this large 3 foot cage sitting there. The cage was basically a screen door on all 4 sides and had these big bugs in them that looked like a bunch of scorpions hanging upside down, with their little legs clinging to the top screen.

I asked the lady that worked there, "Are those scorpions?" and she laughed and said, "No, they are stick insects." "What do you do with them?" I asked. She responded, "They are pets. Boys around 7 and 8 years old usually like to get them and they aren't dangerous at all. They just eat leaves and walk around on you when you hold them.".

They gave me the creepers! They were 3-4 inches in length. There was one really big one that I took a pic of on my moms phone that was probably about 5-6 inches long. Teagan asked, "Dangerous momma?" and I said, "No." Teagan responded, "Touch it momma?" And I said, "Do you WANT to touch it?" and he backed off with a concerned look and said, "Nuh-uh". lol I was glad he didn't want to touch it cause I already had the willies being that close to them.

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