Friday, March 23, 2012

About Tate

Favorite Food:
Favorite Treat: Cheese and Cookies (he asks for one all the time)
Favorite Friend: Tee-Tee (Teagan) He LOVES his big brother.
Favorite Color: He doesn't really know his colors yet, but he always says, "BLUE" if you ask him. (ps. all colors are "blue" when you ask him)
Favorite thing to do: Playing with Teagan and his daddy (maybe one day I can make it on the roster of favorites)
Favorite Toy: He loves trains and cars. I should also add on here that he loves "binky & wuby".
Favorite Movie: He loves watching Cars 1 and 2 (I've seen these movies so many times I bet I could quote them to you). But he calls the Cars movie and all of the cars in the Cars movies, "Mae-Mae" for Mater. Somehow all the cars are called Mae-Mae, except for "Guido". I think it's just cause he likes to say "Guido".

Tate is talking so much and so well. My favorite word he says is "Thank you" because he says it as "Tookie". He has the cutest little voice too. I love when I give him a drink or something else and hear, "Tookie Mommy" as he walks off.

Tate is free spirited, funny, loving, good-natured and kind. He is truly a self-less little boy and is amazingly smart! He always amazes me with the large concepts that he already understands. He is definitely advanced both verbally and emotionally. Even his pediatricians have commented on that in previous visits. He observes everything and is a very fast learner. He is kind and loving to others and is constantly drawing attention from others naturally by being himself. People are always telling me they want to take him home with them or how adorable he is. He makes others laugh often and talks with a lot of inflection in his voice. He is very animated with his facial expressions (as you can see in the pictures) and isn't afraid to entertain others.

Tate is a very sensitive little soul and doesn't like sadness or contention. He wants everyone to be happy even if that means giving away his last cookie, expecting nothing in return. He even runs around sometimes quickly chanting, "Happy-happy-happy" over and over again.

Tate is also our dirty, messy and stinky kid. He is always messy and/or dirty. We change his clothes about three times a day. He usually has a bath in the morning and in the night too. I remember when he was just a baby that his feet always smelled like a man's feet too. lol I didn't even know little baby's feet could smell that bad. I also know that if I hear Tate say, "Sorry Mama" out of the blue that he has just made a big mess of some sort and I dread looking over to see what it is.

He will say just about anything you tell him too, but here are some words he says that I think are cute:
Tookie = Thank you
Ovie = It's over (like a movie or TV show)
Lovey = Love you
Cocky = Chocolate
Cocky = Socks (Yes, it's the same as chocolate)
Boe-bee = Birdie
Cockuh = Cracker
Cheesh = Cheese
Teaguh = Teagan

Tate has even started saying prayers with some help. It is the most precious thing to watch him say prayers. He is very intent on listening to every word and trying his best to say it. He knows that when we say family prayers at night that the TV needs to be turned off and he will always run over to it saying, "off- off".

Tate is also very cuddly. I LOVE that! Teagan isn't as cuddly, but Tate likes to lay and cuddle with his mom and dad. I sure love this little boy!

1 comment:

  1. Love Tattie bugs too. Tattie's so sweet because he's a middle child. Right Scott! :D
