Friday, September 14, 2012

Missed my point...

Today I found Teagan trying to drag the baby crib mattress into his bedroom and put it on his bed so that he could jump on it. I explained it wasn't a good idea to jump (since he has a bunk bed). Tate started jumping anyway and hit his head, which I followed up with, "See, that is why you're not supposed to jump on there." Teagan said, "Can we jump on the side that is sticking out from under the bunk top (he used different words, but that is the point he was making)? I told him no and when he asked why, I said, "because it's not stable and you might fall off and hit your head on all your toys or on the toy box corner... so, if you want to do that and learn the hard way, then go ahead." Teagan smiled and said, "TATE! Do you want to learn the hard way? Let's do it!"

Ah yes... brilliant idea!

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