Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This Guy Stole My Heart


This is what I do now when Jeremy takes Teagan and Tate to mutual with him. I'm thinking of offering some mini-photo shoots for Valentine's Day, but am not sure if they celebrate it the same way here as in the US. Will have to find out. Didn't these turn out cute though?!

PS. To summarize my day: Tate pooped on the floor once, BUT in the potty twice. We are back on the potty training band wagon and it's exhausting, but looking forward to NO MORE diapers (with 2 of the 3). AND... Steffan took his first steps today and has taken up playing with any type of ball you give him. He will play with it for hours and throws it back and forth and chases after it.


  1. These are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttte. He's growing up so fast. I can't believe it. Love the photo shoot. It's a great idea. Kind of like the thing at Sams Club they did. GOOD Job hun.

  2. cute! You can do it! Potty training is so fun :P, but it's worth it. 1 in diapers is definitely better than 2! That's so fun that Steffan is walking! I love it when they walk :)
