Monday, May 7, 2012


Tonight Teagan was saying our family prayers and he said, "...and bless the baby that mommy is going to have". Jeremy and I opened our eyes with raised eyebrows looking at each other and I said, "What the?" and Jeremy whispered that Teagan also mentioned it earlier to him.

Ugh. Not yet please. We need a break for a couple years. We decided that that the reason they are all here so close together is because Teagan plotted it before they came and planned the whole thing out as a joke. ;) That's possible, right?


  1. What are you talking about...4 in 4 years has got to be better than 3 in 3 years, right? ;) I totally understand your pain...I couldn't handle more at the moment either. Good luck with that!

  2. Jas said, Teagan's not known anything other than "Mommy's had a baby in her belly his whole life"...
    However, they could have planned it and thought you might get a kick out of it! :)
    So while I was at my sisters one of the ladies said there was a (Mom 1) that wanted kids wasn't able to have them, tried couldn't get pregnant, they decided to adopt. Decided to adopt baby(baby 1) that (mom 2) was having - 3 months before (Mom 2) has (baby 1), found out that (Mom 1) now pregnant with twins (baby 2 and 3). Same (Mom 2) that had given (baby 1) up for adoption found out she's pregnant again with (baby 4)and asks the adoptive (Mom 1) of (baby 1) if she will please take this (baby 4). After much begging from (Mom 2)to (Mom 1) (Mom 1) says yes to take (baby 4) and then finds out she's now pregnant with (baby 5 and 6) 6 babies in 3 years. (Mom 1)-has now decide to have no more children, (Mom 2) has not had more children - Dad with Mom 1 exhausted and broke. he he he he he (The Dad and Mom of the brood are fine and doing well as far as I know, but I'm sure they were exhausted. I believe she said that the youngest is 6 now.)
