Friday, June 29, 2012

Day Trips

We try to go do something fun that is with in driving distance from our house 1-2 times a month. A few weeks ago we went with the Swift's to Gibraltar Falls for a little hike and then over to the Thredbo Bobsled rides. It was freezing cold that day, especially up in the mountains, but it was really fun.

Bo, Jasmin & Fae

Here are some pic's of the boys that we took at Wildlife Sydney a few weeks ago when we went on a Saturday. The boys were asleep the first time we saw the Koala's and got pics with them, so we told them we would take them again. We have an annual pass there along with about 10 other attractions that comes with it in the package we got... so, it makes for a cheap day trip to Sydney whenever we want to go and do something (and also since we don't pay for fuel, otherwise it wouldn't be that awesome).

It of course rained the whole day we were in Sydney there and the lady that took our pics said her camera was getting ruined because of the rain which is why they aren't the best pics. But the best part of the trip was just having that time to chat with Jeremy and listen to music while the kids napped there and on the way back. We don't get to do stuff like that very often because we are always in high demand. :)

Here is a picture of Jeremy's work (Symantec building) in Sydney. We took these pictures from Darling Harbor in February when we were on one of the water taxi's.

Here is a pic of my mom being 'oh so cool' at the Hard Rock Cafe in Sydney back in February. This is also at Darling Harbor. It was the first place I ate that tasted totally "all American" - - - Except the waiter there said tortilla and pronounced it "tor-till-uh" lol.

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