Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poop Flinger

The name of this post is EXACTLY what you think it is.

Yesterday when Tate got up from his nap he was yelling, "Moooommmmy, Mooooommmmmy" in the other room for me to come get him. I told him that I was feeding the baby and that he needed to wait a minute. It got very quiet in there and when I went in to get him, it appeared that he may have gone back to sleep so I walked by quietly as not to wake him up again. Then a few seconds later I hear, "Mooooommmyyy - - - Pooooopy!" My heard just dropped. I yelled back into the room, "Tate! Have you been playing with your poop?" (because this is not the first time) And Tate yelled back, "Yeah!"


I ran in there and like a brick the smell hit me in the face. I started gagging knowing what I was going to have to do. I looked over at him and sure enough there was poop smeared everywhere in his bed and on the blankets and on his pillow... AND all over himself (legs, feet, face, hands) EVERYWHERE!. I quickly scolded him telling him how naughty it is to play with your poop and how dirty and yucky it is. I wiped him down, put him in the shower and started the clean up process. After I cleaned it and sanitized it and deodorized it... I could STILL smell it. I couldn't figure out why. I looked at the wall on the opposite side of the room that Tate's bed was on and saw that he had thrown poop across the room and it had stuck to the wall. So GROSS! I regret that I did not take pictures of the poop massacre, but I'm sure you understand that I couldn't leave Tate alone with his poop for one more second while I got the camera situated.

1 comment:

  1. I cant help but laugh at this Tara! Aww, the joys of motherhood:)
