Friday, April 20, 2012

Tim Tam Slam

I am going to confess something for Jeremy. He is totally and completely addicted to Tim Tams! They are this little, double layered chocolate cookie with a creamy chocolate filling and dipped in chocolate. They come in all different flavors, but the 'original' cookies that I described is his favorite. I actually didn't care for them much when I first tried them, but they have grown on me since they are always in our house. You can buy them at Costco and get three boxes to a case. Jeremy goes through a case just about every week and I usually only have one or two cookies total out of the three boxes. And Jeremy usually hides them from the boys, so it's Alllll him! He wakes up in the middle of the night to eat them, literally. Sometimes when he wakes up in the morning and the first thing he does is get up to get a Tim Tam. And sometimes it's the last thing he does at night before he goes to sleep. We recently had dinner over at one of the ward members homes for Family Home Evening and I was telling them about Jeremy's little addiction. And they said, "Have you tried the Tim Tam Slam?" We hadn't tried it yet and asked what it was. It is when you bite off both ends of the Tim Tams and use it as a straw to suck up hot chocolate. It melts the inside and when you bite into it, it makes it ooey-gooey goodness. I've tried this at home with other stuff, but not with a Tim Tam (obviously because Tim Tam's are only made and sold in Australia). Last night we tried the Tim Tam Slam. And it is sooooooooooooo good! It made the Tim Tam go up about 15 points in my book. Everyone that visits MUST try this!


  1. My Bro in law was just in Australia and he brougth home some of these for us - they are good - we still have some, but only because I am on a no sugar diet :(

    I miss you!!! I hope you are doing well

  2. My neighbor was talking about them the other day saying her daughter loves Tim Tam Slams. The daughter is waiting for some Tim Tams for this guy from Australia. Then the mother said well... maybe it's the boy that sends her the Tim Tams that she likes more than the Tim Tam Slams. :D
