Friday, August 31, 2012

Jeremy's Birthday #36

Holy Cow! Jeremy can now officially round his life years up to FOURTY! I remember when that sounded so old! (Oh wait! It still does sound old...) he he

Jeremy's birthday was on Saturday 8/25.

*Tangent* Here in Australia they would say the date was 25/08 or the 25th of August instead of August 25th. It always messes me up when I read expiration dates since the day/month is backwards from the way I've done it my whole life.

Anyway, as you know, Jeremy is the 1st Counselor in the Young Men (YM) Presidency at church and the YM had their temple trip from Friday through Saturday evening. Jeremy went up to Sydney with them and had a blast! He said they had so much fun and really got a chance to get to know the boys better. When he got home Saturday night we had a little party waiting for him. We had shredded a bunch of construction paper up in the shredder and the boys and I threw it at Jeremy when he walked in the door. We hung balloons up with ribbon, hanging from the ceiling and had presents and cake waiting. The boys made Jeremy a card and each of them wanted to make a spider on it (which is ironic because of how much Jeremy dislikes spiders). Jeremy also got an Australia jacket that I've been proud of keeping hidden from him for a whole month! This family is no good at surprises, even though I LOVE surprises! I also printed out many of the photos we took from the boys little photo shoot earlier in the week and framed them. Jeremy ended up getting home a little later than expected on Saturday night so we missed being able to hang out with the Swift's, but they gave Jeremy an awesome KangaRang (a boomerang that is shaped like a kangaroo). On Sunday we had our Utah friends (the Wainscott's) over for dinner and had a little birthday dinner. Jeremy got about five new DVDs from them which means MOVIE night for us! Yipeee!

Jeremy's birthday weekend was a lot of fun! I hope you had a great birthday babe!

Love you! (Even though I now have no picture of you on your own birthday.)


PS. I am so mad at myself. I was playing around with the camera settings and reset the settings, and it deleted all of the pics from Jeremy's birthday off of my camera. :( Sad! I had some really cute ones of Jeremy and the boys holding all the presents up in front of the cake. I took these pictures of the "after party" when I let the boys play with the confetti (which probably won't happen too often after you see how much of a confetti explosion there is all over). We will probably be cleaning up confetti until the day we move out.

 I think Teagan looks exactly like Jeremy in the picture below. Despite his strawberry blonde hair and his white, white skin, I've always thought Teagan looked more like me and all of my kid pictures. But I think Teagan looks more like Jeremy here.

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