Wednesday, August 8, 2012

More Teagan Talk...

Teagan: Mom, we made a bridge and are walking on it. It’s very dangerous!
Me: What are you walking over?
Teagan: Nothing... well, it’s not very dangerous, just a little bit. It’s very wobbly. We just need something to hold it up. Bye mom.
(sounds safe)
About 6 years ago, my step brother passed away from a drug overdose. I sang the song, “I know that my redeemer lives” at his funeral. On Sunday we were listening to church music and that song came on. I said to Teagan, “Did you know that mommy had a brother that died a long time ago?” And Teagan said, “Did he die from a shark eating him?”

(lol. Jeremy had just been watching some shark attack show on t.v. and had just mentioned that he thinks it might be scaring Teagan and maybe shouldn’t watch it.)
Yesterday the boys got into my Mary Kay Night Cream which is super expensive for a small amount, a bottle of baby powder and an entire bottle of pain cream. They smeared it all over toys, the carpet, their clothes, their beds, MY bed and in the living room. The whole time I thought they were being so good watching a movie. We had gotten back from our play group and then they ate lunch and took naps so I thought they were just being good and content from a busy day. 

When Teagan came in I saw he had something all over him and they smelled like mint (pain cream). I got up to see what was going on and then kind of freaked out. Teagan said, “Sorry mom, I didn’t know!” And I said, “Yes you DO know. You know better than that.” Then Teagan said, “Tate did it!”
I told the boys they were cleaning it all up. I started barking orders and telling them what to do and where to put stuff away and to get wet towels to start cleaning things up. Teagan actually enjoyed it and started saying, “Ok Sir! What’s next sir!” At the time it made me a little madder because he wasn’t getting how mad I was. So, I said, “...AND I’m taking some of your toys away too.” Well that did it. It made Teagan very angry. He started growling and yelling at me and said, “I’m sooo mad at you mom! I’m mad at your face! I’m not going to play with you anymore... and I’m not going to play with daddy either!  ...And I’m going to ruin your shoes!” I said, “You better not ruin my shoes or I will take more toys away.” And Tea responded, “Tell me mom... tell me what toys...” I was a little puzzled thinking, “Are you just checking with me to see if ruining my shoes is worth the toys that are getting taken away?”


Why do kids want to pile as much crap as they can find in the biggest pile in the smallest room you have. Teagan and Tate just piled every blanket and pillow and random other items in the smallest room we have as high as they could. Then they came out and got me and wanted me to close my eyes and yelled “SURPRISE!” when I opened them. Teagan said, “Are you so happy Mom?

1 comment:

  1. It must be the age, my 2 and 3 yr olds LOVE to pile blankets and pillows on top of each other. They could do it all day if we let them :P
