Monday, August 20, 2012

Pre-Birthday Photo Shoot

Jeremy's birthday is coming up at the end of this week, so the boys decided (maybe with a little help from me) they wanted to give their dad some new pictures of themselves. I'm no professional by any means and I don't have any special sort of camera... But I think they turned out pretty good. I'm going to enlarge my favorite one at Costco and frame it on our wall.

I always have a hard time getting Tate to smile. Every time I tell him to smile, it's like he doesn't know how to and gives me a really fake smile.

This next one is my favorite out of all of them.


  1. I love these pictures, best birthday present...sssshhh, I won't tell anyone I got them early.

  2. Love the mohawk and blue eyes on Tuffers, Tattie bugs has a great smile especially when you're not looking at him and I love T's "cheeeeeessssseeeee" pics. They all look so grown up, especially with their newly cut hair. Where does the time go? To QUICK!!! Jeremy is going to love them. I Love'em all. You did a REALLY GOOD Job!!!
